David Leyonhjelm has a rich background in politics for shooters. We interview him about a new book on gun control that he’s writing.

Champion of champions

POLITICS is a tricky game that requires real political experience to manage.  For shooters, it’s more than a game: it’s the key to what the future of shooting will look like. It’s that important.

David Leyonhjelm grew up around politics and ended up in Federal Parliament as a libertarian – and always been a staunch defender of shooters.  

He has been by far, the most effective and articulate supporter shooters have had for a very long time.

We speak with David on gun control and what he’s doing now

We interviewed David for about a couple of books he has written, and a third one that is on it’s way.

The interview went for longer than planned, but covers a LOT of ground that will be of interest to any shooter who follows politics.

In it, he covers his journey through politics, the use of gun control as way of controlling populations against uprising rather than fighting crime, and why John Howard did what he did.

Click the player below to listen to the interview – and don’t forget to support this podcast by becoming a subscriber here.

In a hurry?  Here’s a few seconds for you

If you’d like to get an idea of what’s in the interview before playing the full thing, click the player below for a sample of what you’ll hear:

There’s more in the pipeline

Also check out our previous episodes for other interviews we’ve done.

Plus, we’ve got more interviews on a range of topics on their way.

They tried to stop the interview …

As you may know, the National Shooting Council was taken over by someone who vowed to ‘nuke’ it, ‘destroy’ it and ‘leave scorched earth’, which is what happened.  

While that is now in the past and not something we were going to dwell on, that person TRIED TO STOP this pro-gun interview from going ahead!  

The interview obviously went ahead and ended up being better than we we thought it would!

That’s why Politics Reloaded is the NSC Mark 2 (when it was kicking goals) – and why the content we’re putting out will be very familiar to those who supported it.  That work is now being done by us.

Plus we’ve got our new podcast series that will bring even more quality content to you.

That’s where PR is continuing with the good fight.

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