We'll bring you the latest gun news for Aussie shooters
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New regulations in Victoria tighten the screws on duck hunting even further. Yet at least one shooting organisation describes this as a 'win'.
Victorian Police minister, Anthony Carbines, says the ban on bolt-action shotguns was because of 'innovations'. No it wasn't ...
WA Police are refusing to release any documents on the new safe requirements, raising suspicions of dodgy deals
WA Police chose to ignore the warning. Then Labor chose to politicise what happened. Now they need to be exposed for their mishandling
The West Australian published the maps that helps with home invasions - now it's trying to create alarm over licenced shooters.
TIM WATSON-MUNRO remains a prominent figure in forensic psychology who is regularly in the media. Check out what he thinks about licensed shooters.
The Labor and Liberal parties who don't know where shooters live, are missing out key opportunities to win their votes
Wherever you go, you can see governments attacking our sport. We're the frog in boiling water - but we aim to stop that.
WA's new gun laws will contain exemptions that will allow WAPol to dodge new key requirements
Herald Sun Journo, Susie O'Brien described shooters as 'gun nuts'. We look at what she said - and offer this open letter to her to explain why she is wrong.