“The podcast for Aussie shooters who just want political interference taken out of shooting”
Here’s something to listen on when you’re caught in the traffic
SHOOTERS are well aware that they are in a long term fight against bad gun laws and bad policy.
Just have a look at what is happening with gun laws in Western Australia – and it won’t be long before some bright spark tries to “update the National Firearms Agreement” to make life tougher for us.
If we don’t fix it, the problems will get worse. It’ll deter new people from entering the sport – and even the more experienced hands from staying it in.
What our politicians are doing to us is wrong – and why they need to be stopped.
That’s why Politics Reloaded was formed and started our new podcast series to make more and more shooters aware of what is going on – and what we can all do about it.
EPISODE 1: We’re warming up…
Episode 1 is an introduction to the series. It explains why the podcast is necessary and what you can do about it.
Plus we recap the ‘gun raids’ in NSW that were falsely claimed to be targeting criminals .. and we bring you some news on an old matter that we reported on a while ago.
EPISODE 2: Update with Ron Sterry
RON is a shooter from Northern Territory (although now living in another state) who lost his gun licence after giving first aid to a neighbour who had been stabbed.
What happened to him was so wrong, it made the NT News, and led to one of NT’s chief judges writing to the NT Police Minister about the inequity of the way the NT Firearms Act works.
We catch up with Ron to find out what happened with his recent Supreme Court challenge – and reveal some startling facts about the way NT Police actually work.
Listen to the podcast now!
You can listen to the podcast here
Get a podcast app on your phone
However, it’s a lot better and more convenient to get the podcast on you phone because it’ll automatically update the episodes for you.
All you need is a podcast app (see below for more information).
Or you can also hear our podcasts on this page.
We’ll have half a dozen episodes for you to the end of this year, but will bring you new episodes on a weekly basis from late January 2024.
… but to do this, we need your help
We’re making this FREE for shooters, but podcasts cost a lot of money to do and distribute, so we’re doing this as quickly and efficiently as we can.
This means starting small and gradually build it up over time – but if you like what you see – and hear and want to help out, you can take out a membership with Politics Reloaded or simply make a donation.
Your support will help us expand what we can offer, so more and more shooters get to hear what they need to know!
You can help us on this page.
Never subscribed to a podcast on your phone before?
Listening to a podcast is like listening to an audio cassette while you’re driving your car – but on your phone.
It means you can listen to the news when you’re on your way to work, waiting for the snapper to bite, or tinkering in the shed.
All from the convenience of your phone – and with different episodes automatically downloaded every week.
All you have to do then is to remember to listen to what we put out.
Click here for more information on how to set your podcast app up.
IF YOU’RE ALREADY familiar with podcasts, just look up Politics Reloaded on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Goodpods, Castro and Pocket Casts (Pocket Casts is the one we use).
We’re expanding our feed into other hosts (Google Play will be online shortly) so that list will grow. If you have your favourite platform that we’re not on, drop us a line and we’ll make sure we put our podcast on it.
COMING UP: Episode 3 is with someone in the firearms industry who has just been, in his words, “unleashed”!
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