Philip Alpers

THERE IS NO SHORTAGE of gun control experts.

They’re everywhere. Every country has them and they get their notoriety from telling the media how dangerous guns are and why their ideas will work.

Yet their experience in firearms is lacking, and their qualifications often have nothing to do with firearms.

When it comes to both, that’s where we’ll tell you about Sydney University Adjunct Professor, Philip Alpers. Alpers runs and is a regular commenator on gun control matters down south.

In fact ‘adjunct’ is an interesting title because it means he is not a university graduate, as are other professors. Instead he’s a ‘pretend’ professor.

Suffice to say, Alpers is like every other expert in gun control: he’s not a shooter. That means that when it comes to all things firearms, he has no experience. He has no qualifications.

Wind the clock back a few years and you’ll find that Alpers went to a range in New Zealand.

Off to the Manukau Range

A few years ago, we came across the story of when Alpers visited a range in Auckland, New Zealand, presumably to find out about safety at rifle ranges in his own right.

The story is legendary: it is about a gun control ‘expert’ who let not one, but two shots off contrary to every rule there is.

Treat every firearm as loaded. Finger off the trigger. Listen to the range officer.  That sort of stuff.





Good riddance from the range, you idiot

Here’s a letter from the range which is self-explanatory. It tells you why he only ever really achieved to fake professor status.

That’s the sort of people we are up against.

Neil Jenkins



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