We bring you the latest gun news for Aussie shooters
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Age limits on gun ownership in the US are all over the place. It's now arguably easier to own a gun in other English speaking countries.
Major health organisations are backing a gun control organisation that has just been caught out on a fib
Here's yet another major data leak from a firearms registry - this time in NZ
In welcome news, the UK government has announced it will leave the regulation of shotguns alone - for now.
Two top law officers in the US state of Illinois have decided to stand up for shooters. We wish we could clone them.
Australian Police have taken the gun licence off a guy who provided first aid to a neighbour and saved her life.
Brazil now has 2,000 gun clubs and lower crime, but will they lose it all under a new President?
Boston University has decided to use 'warm weather' as a reason for requiring more gun controls.
Canada isn't just after handguns. They're after semi-auto sporting and hunting rifles too