WA Gun Rally - Politics Reloaded

WA shooters are facing ** horrendous ** new gun laws.  That’s why shooters like you need to get to the pro-gun rally to send the political parties a sharp message.

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Politics Reloaded - WA Gun Rally

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WA Gun Rally 

WITH A STATE ELECTION coming up in March, WA shooters now have a great opportunity to send the message to the state’s political parties that they will vote out anyone who backs the wrong gun laws.

This follows the rewrite of WA’s gun laws that make getting a licence significantly harder and more expensive. 

Some of the things that the new laws do are: 

  1. Require shooters to get mental and physical health checks;
  2. Limit the types of firearms and calibres they use;
  3. Limit the number of guns they can own – in many cases, to just five; 
  4. Require shooters to buy new safes – which will be so heavy, you’ll need a crane to move them 

This is a nightmare scenario for shooters in WA. 

There’s also a real risk of these moves being copied interstate  – which is why going after government members of parliament at WA’s State Election in March, is so important. 

Let’s use the rally to change our politicians

THE SHOOTERS UNION OF AUSTRALIA and Politics Reloaded are  spearheading a huge rally on Saturday, 8 February, to send a sharp message to our politicians.

The rally was organised after being approached by members of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (WA) who felt their organisation had given up the fight.

The rally will also make it clear to shooters that at the upcoming state election, they need to VOTE LABOR OUT. 

Rally speakers will be announced later on – but they cover a spectrum of political and shooting industry people. 

See the image below for the information you need.

This article also contains further below on how to get to the rally – and another way you can make sure Labor hears you loud and clear 


How to get to the rally

The venue is Perth’s Supreme Court Gardens

The good news is that Perth has public transport terminals within easy walking distance of the gardens.  

They are:  

  •   Perth Train Station – Wellington Street
  •   Elizabeth Quay Train Station – Mounts Bay Road
  •   Elizabeth Quay Bus Station – Mounts Bay Road
  •   Transperth Ferry – Barrack Street Jetty
  •   Terrace Road Carpark – Terrace Road

 There is public parking just next door to the venue. However, we recommend you use public transport in case parking becomes tight. 

You can get more information on Perth’s public transport network from TransPerth by clicking here.

This will be a family event and is being held under permit issued by WA Police. 

Register now

Use the QR code in the rally image or click here to register for the event. 

While registration isn’t mandatory, this will make sure you get the updates you want – including a REMINDER the day before – so you don’t accidently end up doing something way less important.   

We’ll also let you know who the speakers are closer to the event. 

Nothing would be worse than hanging out the washing and then realising that you forgot to go the most important event on your shooting calendar! 

Tell Labor what you think-call them!

We’re not done yet.

We’re suggesting shooters who want to boot Labor out to call their head office – on (08) 9328 7222

Be polite. Tell them:

  1. You’re a gun owner
  2. You’re attending the rally on 8 February; and
  3. You’re going to vote Labor out

This phone number is often answered by a real person. If they’ve got the answering machine on, leave that message.

Don’t be abusive.  The people who take the calls are employees just doing their job, not the party people who made these shocking laws.

However Labor needs to hear you loud and clear!

Get your mates to the rally!

HELP shooters who may not be on social media or email know about this rally.  

Tell them when the next time you see them – whether that’s at the general store, servo or at the range.

Let them know just how important this is – and that you’ll give them a lift to get to the rally if they need it.

Labor gears up the fake profiles

Finally, understand that Labor has been using fake profiles on Facebook groups purporting to represent WA shooters to try and discourage shooters from attending the rally.

We understand they are worried about how big the rally could get just before the election – so be prepared to call those Labor supporters out.

Join for $30 a yearWestern Australia 2025 campaign

Why not put this on your club’s noticeboard? 



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